Monological Learning Tools

Symbaloo in Education

Symbaloo is a visually based tool for managing and sharing links to websites and online resources. It gives the teacher the opportunity to curate collections of relevant links for students. The tool is suitable for use in a monological form of teaching. In the monologic form of teaching, Symbaloo can serve as the teacher's link collection to the students. For example, it can be a good idea to have a [...]

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GoSoapBox in Education

GoSoapBox is a web-based quiz- discussion- and evaluation tool, which can be used on both PC, Mac and smartphones. It makes it possible, in an easy way, to evaluate student learning, to engage students and to create dialogue in the classroom. The tool combines features from tools like TodaysMeet and Socrative, and is suitable for use in both a monological and a dialogical form of teaching. In

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Prezi in Education

Prezi is a free, visual presentation tool. It has become very popular over the recent years, and many have already replaced their Powerpoints with Prezi-presentations, because the tool gives some new visual possibilities and is easy to use. Prezi is primarily suitable for the monological or the polyphonic form of teaching. In the monological teaching method, Prezi can be used by the teacher

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