Getting started with Prezi

In this guide you will get an introduction to, how to use Prezi.
(You can view images in full size by clicking on them.)

Opret brugerPrezi is, once you get started, very easy to use. First you must have a profile on Are you a teacher or student/student, it is free.

Choose the package named Edu Enjoy, and create your profile with the e-mail address you have been assigned by the school.

After you have created your profile, click on 'New Prezi' under the tab 'Your prezis'. You must then provide your prezi a title and if applicable. a description;. Next, choose a template. At first it might be a good idea to choose ‘ template Blank ’.

StartsideYou can now start making your prezi. Click on 'Start editing'. The first thing that meets you, is this image. By double-clicking the text, and you will have the opportunity to write. Type a word, that you want to present something about, and click OK.

Editor-knappenYou can then click the word once. This will display the editor button. The editor button allows you to change your text in several ways.

Ændret tekstBy clicking on the pencil icon in the bottom right corner, you will have the opportunity to change the text. You can, among other things,. Change the color and text type and make bulleted list. The plus and minus buttons change the size of your text, and by grabbing the edge of the Editor button and dragging, you can rotate your text.

Anden tekst

By scrolling with the mouse, you can zoom in and out of the image. If you place your mouse in one of the letters in your word and zoom in, you can use this letter as the background for your next word. You insert your next word by clicking with the mouse, when you've zoomed in so far that your first word has "faded" out of focus.You can insert as many words as you want, and you can also insert images and videos (the 'Insert' item in the menu in the upper left corner).

MenuNow you can connect your two words in a presentation. In the upper left corner you have a menu. Click on 'Path', you will be given the opportunity to create a 'path' through your prezi. Start with zooming out so that you can see your first word, and click it. Then Zoom in on your second word, and click it. Zoom out again, and then once again click your first word. On the left side of the screen a list of the images is displayed, which is part of your 'path'. Here you can move them around and. delete any of them.

Now click on 'Exit' at the top. You should now have a presentation that looks something like this (click on Play – requires flash):

Rediger og delYou can edit your prezi by clicking Edit prezi ‘ ’. Insert new words, change colors, and move around the pictures in your 'path'. When you're satisfied, you can share your prezi with others by clicking on 'Share' and copying the link – e.g. to an email. You can also embed it in a blog or a website. Finally, you can download your prezi so that you have it on your own computer, and can run it independently of, whether you are connected to the Internet.

If you want to collaborate with others on your prezi click ‘ Edit together ’. You will then be given a url you can share with 10 others. The people you share the link with, can edit your prezi, and you can always see who makes what changes.

Really enjoy!

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