Presentations, workshops and projects on ICT in education

I will be happy to come out and give lectures and workshops on ict pedagogy and the use of ICT in education. Nogle af emnerne for et foredrag kunne være:

  • Hvorfor bør man anvende it i undervisningen?
  • Hvad betyder brugen af it for elevernes læring og dannelse?
  • Hvad er digital dannelse og hvad er skolens opgave i den forbindelse?
  • Hvad er 21st Century Skills og hvordan arbejdes der med dem?
  • Hvilke didaktiske overvejelser bør man gøre sig forud for brugen af it i undervisningen?
  • Hvordan ændrer lærerens og elevernes roller sig når it inddrages i undervisningen?
  • Hvad er det gode digitale læremiddel?
  • Hvilke former for undervisning kan understøttes af hvilke typer af digitale værktøjer?

A workshop could be rooted in a pedagogical analysis of a course, and give teachers inspiration on how to use free web-based learning tools in their teaching. You are very welcome to contact me, if you have specific wishes for a presentation or a workshop. På disse links kan du se slides fra nogle af mine senest afholdte foredrag og workshops:

ICT and learning

Foredrag: It og didaktik eller didaktik og it

Lecture Digital formation

eDidaktik also gives consulting services and advice to projects concerning the use of ICT in education. If you have a great idea for an app or a digital learning tool, I would be happy to hear from you. I can also help with the development of digital platforms for teaching, and the development and implementation of IT strategies and teacher training.

Email, and let us find out how I can be of assistance.